Last modified: 2017-02-28
Transport, roads and their conditions are the most important element of the infrastructure. They affect the rate of the country’s economy. Irregular development of different types of transport doesn’t allow our country to use the economic benefits of the middle-country between the East and the West. It brings enormous economical losses. In recent years amount of Asian export to Europe exceeded 3 trillion dollars. In accordance with the forecast, in the next ten years only container traffic growth will be 7-10% per year. The Trans-Siberian Railway was giving income to the USSR up to 15 billion of dollars per year, which is only 1,5 billion today. There is one more road-direction of transcontinental development, that is extremely profitable but not being used by Russia yet. This is the cargo movement of goods along the Northern Sea Rout. It is almost twice shorter, than the other East-West sea routs.
In Russia the car park is growing more rapidly than in the rest of the world: 130 cars per 1 thousand people in 2000; up to 213 cars in 2008. And this is under conditions of increasing deficit of quality roads, which length should be not less than 1.5 million km. Existing length of multi-lane highways is more than 4.3 thousand km, the need for them is 8-10 thousand km. Next to the political, economic, energy and ecological dangers to the economy and citizens of our country, the immigration threat is at its peak. Therefore, modernization of the country, its regions as economical units, should be based on outstripping and complex development of infrastructure, general competitive business and economy, and decent and comfortable lives of citizens.