Sanja Šurdonja, Sergije Babić, Aleksandra Deluka-Tibljaš, Marijana Cuculić

Last modified: 2017-02-28


Today's urban space offers little possible traffic solutions of the intersections, especially whenit comes to city centres. Possible solutions, which do not require great area, are mini–roundabouts.They are characterized by a transit central island, around which passenger vehicles (andother small sizes vehicles) operate as in other roundabouts, while long vehicles (buses, trucks,etc.) operate as in classic intersections at level, crossing fully or partly over the central island.This type of roundabouts is usually carried out in populated areas, as a measure traffic calmingor as a solution to increase the capacity of existing classic intersection or intersection with trafficlights. Many studies have shown that the application of this type of intersection has significantlyincreased the capacity of the intersection and reduced the number of traffic accidents.Traffic calming and relatively low construction costs are considered to be a significant positivefeature of these intersections. However, in case of application of mini–roundabouts as trafficcalming measures it is necessary to be careful because a roundabout without a raised centralisland may be poorly visible for drivers of passenger cars and thus may increase the risk of accidents.In such cases, special attention should be given to street lighting and other elements tocalm traffic at the approach to the intersection. In the case of a large number of pedestrians andcyclists, mini–roundabouts are poorer solutions compared to classic intersections because atclassic intersections their crossing is usually protected by traffic lights.
This paper will compare the guidelines for the performance of mini–roundabouts of other states,because the Croatian guidelines do not deal with this type of intersection, even though thereare many mini–roundabouts already exist in Croatia.


mini–roundabout, guidelines, urban area, design, costs

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