Francesca Ciuffini, Stefano Ricci, Giulio Rocco Sitongia

Last modified: 2017-02-28


In this paper an overview on Track Access Charge systems in Europe is presented. TAC systems from 15 countries are compared from the point of view of the algorithm used to calculate the fee that Railway Undertaking has to pay to the Infrastructure Manager, to use the infrastructure with a specific train, in a specific time and on a specific route of the network. The aim of the benchmark and comparison analysis is to highlight the diversity, analogies and typical features of different systems, allowing a comprehension of existing pricing logics of railway infrastructure. Method and some results of the analysis are presented in the paper. The analysis starts from our own Network Statement’s interpretation and leads to set them in a common framework, through the identification of a general formula. The classification of the system in homogeneous groups is therefore proposed together with a graphical synthetic representation in a three-dimensional space. In the research framework two different dynamic tools have been developed and presented in the paper: 1) a synoptic dynamic table, capable to facilitate comparison and understanding of different systems, providing a synthetic vision of pricing elements; 2) a dynamic tool, allowing comparison in a charging level, for any network and services classification.


track access charge, network statement, railway package, infrastructure manager, railways undertakings

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