Did Cycling Policy and Programs Advance Cycling in the City of Zagreb?

Hrvoje Pilko, Tadej Brezina, Krunoslav Tepeš

Last modified: 2017-02-28


Developing cycling traffic helps urban centres to advance sustainable citizen mobility. The reason for researching cycling traffic issues in a beginner city (City of Zagreb) stems from poor safety numbers, an increase in volume, unclear development policy, an inadequate infrastructure and legislation. The question arises, did current cycling policy and programs advance cycling? We analyse the current state of cycling traffic and cycle promotion policy in order to assess the actual impacts of these various interventions on the level of cycling. A comprehensive search of available literature, including data from the City Office, has been made. This review paper suggests that development of cycling traffic requires coordinated programs and a holistic planning strategy which includes all stakeholders. Results could serve as a beacon light for similarly sized beginner cities, especially those who are located in Eastern Europe.


cycling traffic; policy and safety; sustainable urban mobility

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