Comparison of the models for analysing signalized intersections

Dražen Cvitanić, Mario Maretić, Jure Zekan, Ivan Bošnjak

Last modified: 2019-02-28


In this paper, a comparison of three models for analysing the operation of signalized intersections (HCM 2000, SIDRA 7 and TSIS CORSIM 6.3) was performed on the basis of a detailed drivers behavioural analysis. Field data about traffic volume and distribution, headways, start-up lost time and delay were collected. Data about traffic volume and distribution, intersection geometry and signal phase times were entered in the analysed models, and the results of the models have been compared. First, the analysis was performed using default values of the model parameters and then using parameters values from the field survey. The conclusions on the models applicability, without and with the calibration of the model parameters on the local conditions, were made.


signalized intersection, delay, saturation headway

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