Implementation of Non-destructive Methods for the Determination of Tramway Embankment Condition

Mario Bačić, Meho Saša Kovačević, Stjepan Lakušić

Last modified: 2019-03-01


The results of non-destructive investigation works for the 70 years old tramway embankment in Zagreb, located on line 2.7 km long line between Mihaljevac and Dolje stations, are given in this paper. In order to preliminary assess the condition of embankment characterized by several anomalies such as deformation of tracks and tilting of a contact network pole, a non-destructive geophysical methods of Continuous Generation of Surface Waves (CSWS) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) were implemented. While the electromagnetic GPR method was used for the detection of geometrical features such as layer boundaries and man-made or natural anomalies, seismic CSWS method was used for determination of small strain stiffness of the embankment, where classification system based on obtained stiffness values was developed. These values are good indicator of a large strain stiffness of embankment material. A CSWS and GPR results were overlapped with visual inspection findings leading to significant conclusions on current condition along with proposal of further investigation methods.


tramway embankment, condition assessment, ground penetrating radar, continuous analysis of surface waves, non-destructive investigation

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