MobileTIMES – Concepts for the multifunctional use of travel time

Harald Frey, Manuela Winder, Edeltraud Haselsteiner, Petra Wetzel, Margarete Havel

Last modified: 2019-03-04


While mobility consumer groups are increasingly inhomogeneous due to individual life styles and preferences, the spectre of transport service offers is also becoming progressively diverse. Emerging information and communication technologies enable people to make use of their travel time for additional activities such as work and leisure by using mobile phones, laptops and tablets. Multitasking has rapidly becoming a widespread social phenomenon.
The paper presents the preliminary outcomes of MobileTIMES, a research project which analyses the multidimensional use of commuter travel time. Based on the analysis of time use studies, an empirical survey in two Austria model regions was carried out for developing concepts for multitasking design solutions with the goal of popularizing transport behaviour transition to public transport. The survey was carried out in two Austrian regions with different infrastructural and social characteristics: a growing rural area in Austria and a growing suburban region in the south of Vienna. Information on general conditions, requirements and suitability of current transport and mobility services from user perspective were gathered. The diffusion of electronic devices plays an important role as it has not only changed travel time activities but - as a result – also individual travel time perception. The consequences on the transport system level will be described. Multitasking designs and multi-functionality offers in public transport to increase user acceptance for longer travelling time are presented. The potential for multifunctional activities in the vehicle interior as well as in bus or train stops on commuter trips is exemplarily presented in the paper.


travel time, time use, commuter, public transport, multitasking

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