Mobility management at RheinMain University – an example for the strategic implementation of Mobility management at universities
Last modified: 2019-03-04
Within their sustainability and climate protection program the university is developing an ambitious mobility management plan to secure its long-term accessibility by fostering flexible, efficient and multi-modal mobility means for students and employees with a special dedication to limit CO²-Emissions of the university and its members. The proposed paper aims at showing the potential and process of MM at universities at the example of the RheinMain University in Wiesbaden. The paper describes the general MM-process and adopts it to the specific challenges and demands of universities, their stakeholders and peer groups. The focus is on discussing the pursued goals, overall benefits. The Paper will present the methodology and key findings of an in-depth mobility survey among employees and students as well as the main results of an analysis and ongoing monitoring of the coherent traffic related emissions. Based on that sound analysis of mobility demands and impacts practical measures (e.g. parking management, sharing modes, subsidized pt-tickets) are developed and finally critical success factors are discussed.