Integration index for mobility as a service

Yinying He, Dávid Földes, Csaba Csiszár

Last modified: 2023-06-02


The integration in transport informatics is facilitated by the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology. One of the realizations of the integration is Mobility as a Service (MaaS), which is proposed as a data-driven, user-centric, personalized mobility service. It integrates various forms of mobility services covering the entire travel chain. Qualitative methods have been applied in existing studies to analyse the integration of MaaS. However, a comprehensive quantitative method is still missing, which could be introduced as a supplementary tool to compare MaaS services. Therefore, we have developed a weighted elaboration method to calculate the complex integration index for MaaS systems. Three aspects are determined as variables, which are the functions of the MaaS application, involved transport modes as well as the tariff structure. Moreover, the organization as the backbone of such integration is considered as the fourth aspect. The integration phases of MaaS are introduced regarding these four aspects, then the calculation method of the complex index is developed by considering the weighted variables. Fourteen MaaS services are evaluated with the method and categorized by organization aspect. We found that public authority is proposed to be the inter-city MaaS operator, and the private company is proposed to be the MaaS operator in intra-city or national level. Our method may support decision-makers to have an abstract overview of MaaS and identify the possible development stage.


Mobility as a Service; integration phases; organization; integration index

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