Electro mobility acceptance: The influence of political bonus and malus factors and preferences for charging stations

Margarita Gutjar, Matthias Kowald

Last modified: 2023-06-02


As a considerable amount of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the transport sector with road traffic being the biggest polluter, the German government has initiated programs to promote electric vehicles (EVs). Currently, the main activity is to install charging infrastructure and to provide a financial bonus for the purchase of EVs. As part of the project “Electric City Russelsheim”, CAPI interviews have been conducted to determine the acceptance of EVs among the population. The survey aims to investigate the effects of possible bonus and malus factors to promote EVs. Moreover, it analyses people’s preferences for the configuration of charging stations in a discrete choice experiment. In choice tasks, respondents indicate their preferences by choosing a charging station configuration between two alternatives. Preliminary results from a Multinomial Logit Model on a sample of 462 respondents are presented in this paper. As configuration, respondents mostly prefer Plug & Charge as authentification method, card-based payment method, billing according to the amount of charged electricity, and a higher share of energy from renewable sources.


stated preferences, discrete choice experiment, electric vehicles, electric mobility, charging stations, charging infrastructure

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