Infrastructure projects and Building Information Modelling in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Žanesa Ljevo, Mirza Pozder, Suada Džebo, Ammar Šarić, Sanjin Albinović

Last modified: 2023-06-05


Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a relatively new technology. The industry, especially when it comes to infrastructure projects, is just beginning to realize the potential benefits of it. Large capital projects are being done today using BIM technology and standards, while in Bosnia and Herzegovina today, we do not have a project implemented by it. BIM is still exhibiting varying states of maturity among its participants. The research was carried out in B&H to realize perceptions of BIM in the infrastructures projects from the perspective of different participants (investor, consultant, designer, supervising engineer, contractor, supplier). The following aims are to demonstrate perception about BIM, the willingness to apply it, and different varying states of maturity among its participants and the current degree of application in practice


BIM technology, research, construction industries, B&H, results

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