Increasing cyclist mobility by improving cycling infrastructure: Case study Koprivnica

Predrag Brlek, Ivan Cvitković, Goran Kos, Robert Gadanec

Last modified: 2023-06-05


The use of a bicycle as a form of transport is an essential factor within a sustainable transport system. The increased number of cyclists is changing their need for better and better infrastructure. Koprivnica is traditional cycling city, with one of the longest cycling infrastructure in the Republic of Croatia. However, parts are disconnected and partly inconsistent with the Bicycle Infrastructure Regulations (OG 26/2016). This results with reduced mobility and safety for all road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists who often share a common surface. The paper presents a method of mapping bicycle infrastructure in the city. As a reference point for comparing the state of cycling infrastructure, data were taken from the 2015 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Koprivnica. In addition to personal bicycles in the city, public bicycles are also proposed to optimize this system. After the analysis, suggestions were made for improvements and connecting parts of existing network, into a united network that would meet the highest standards. Particular attention should be paid to intermodality, ie connection with railway and bus stations, and planned parking areas around the city. This model can be applied in all cities.


bicycle infrastructure, sustainable mobility

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