BIM implementation: Route 6 Prishtine – Hani i Elezit

Dražen Strunje

Last modified: 2023-06-05


Over the years, in construction industry, BIM (building information modelling) is one of the most mentioned topics with the main question: “Do we need it?” The answer should be commonly known, like with every solution that modernizes the profession and society.
BIM in linear construction projects (transportation facilities and structures, sewage/water supply) and landscape design are still “one step behind” with already accepted “BIM implementation” in AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) industry and MEP (Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) industry.
With more than 10 years of experience KAP4 company is one of the leading brands in BIM – Croatia. Along with our knowledge, courage, and motivation, we successfully realized multitude projects in Croatia and Europe, mostly in AEC industry but also in linear construction projects.
Through our biggest project in linear construction industry “ROUTE 6 PRISHTINE – HANI I ELEZIT” (Sections 2&3), on real life project we will show advantages of BIM implementation in road structures design (bridges, overpasses, underpasses, etc.), but also in survey data, road design and earthwork optimizations, along with challenges in process (changes in design, no BIM environment, etc.) and later BIM impact on our Client and associate designers on route. With dozens of BIM road/structure models on route we will demonstrate output results with drawings/documents full of information, improved graphic outputs, document and team design collaboration, process of design, associate designers’ collaboration and facilitating the client to follow the whole process and documentation. Hopefully, and answer to first question, do we need it.


BIM; road structure design; model; KAP4; documentation

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