Review of the project of reconstruction of the existing and reconstruction of the second track on the section Hrvatski Leskovac - Karlovac

Stjepan Kralj, Dražen Vinščak, Neven Popovački, Frane Burazer Iličić

Last modified: 2023-06-05


The Hrvatski Leskovac - Karlovac section is located on the M202 Zagreb GK - Rijeka railway line, which is part of the Mediterranean corridor of the EU core network. The section is currently a single-track line, and represents a bottleneck in terms of infrastructure capacity. The project envisages the reconstruction of the existing and construction of the second track with the reconstruction of the existing stations in order to meet the conditions of interoperability, the transformation of individual stations into stops, and the reconstruction of existing stops. Some of the existing railway-road crossings will be delevelled by constructing crossroads in two levels (underpasses and overpasses), some will be eliminated with the construction of connection roads and some will be reconstructed. The project is currently in the contracting phase of works and supervisions. In the period from 2017 until today, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy (MZOE) Decision was published on the Environmental Impact Study, the Location Permit was obtained, and the Feasibility Study was completed and approved by the JASPERS Mission in the Republic of Croatia.


railway, reconstruction of existing track, construction of new second track, Mediterranean corridor, EU financing

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