Sharjah bus rapid transit study (BRT)

Mohsin Ali Balwan, Anurag Thakur, Thomas Varghese, Smitha Nadeera

Last modified: 2024-05-06


Sharjah Emirate, the second largest Emirate of United Arab Emirates, has conducted a feasibility study for providing a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System. This paper will provide suggestions and considerations made during the formation of the BRT Master Plan network within Sharjah Emirate. Public transit system with the focus on BRT will contribute to the livability of Sharjah to reduce traffic congestion, energy consumption, and automobile emissions. Sustainable modes of transportation by moving away from car usage which has higher energy consumption and emissions are necessary in this developing world. This study aimed to improve accessibility to the major activities centers within Sharjah with an integrated public transport system which will reduce the car usage and will increase the visitors to the activity centers. A BRT System will introduce a reliable mass rapid transit within Sharjah and extending to other Emirates aimed to reduce congestion on the existing roads, provide a sustainable transportation mode and to promote the use of public transport. Based on the study, BRT technology to support the function of a high quality and passenger capacity, fast, comfortable and cost-effective mobility service is identified and suggested for use in Sharjah.


Mass transportation, planning, transit system

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