Publishing & Indexing

Publishing policy

Each paper submitted for the conference must be covered by at least one author or student registration in order for it to be published.
All papers accepted for the conference and covered by at least one registration will be fully published  in the book of proceedings "Road and Rail Infrastructure VII" both in printed and digital form.

Papers in short form (title, abstract, authors and keywords) will be published at the conference website after the conference.

Papers in long form (full papers in PDF) will be published in open access 18 months after the conference on CETRA website.

CETRA Conference proceedings "Road and Rail Infrastructure" is a serial publication published every two years. In order to identify CETRA Proceedings as a serial publication, ISSN numbers were issued, both for printed and digi­tal version of proceedings: ISSN 1848-9842 (Print), ISSN 1848-9850 (CD-ROM).

Papers for which the Scientific Committee evaluate that significantly contribute to science will be submitted to scientific journal GRADEVINAR in accordance with the usual procedure for publication. GRADEVINAR is SCI Expended Journal, more details you can find on


All papers accepted and published in CETRA 2022 proceedings will be indexed by Google Scholar search engine in short form (title, abstract, authors, keywords).

All papers accepted for CETRA 2022 proceedings will receive a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) in order to further increase the visibility and consistency of all published papers.

All papers published in CETRA 2022 book of proceedings will be indexed in TRID base, which is an integrated database that combines the records from TRB’s Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database, and the OECD’s Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) Database. TRID provides access to more than one million records of transportation research worldwide. In addition, the TRID base has accepted all papers that were published at previous CETRA conferences. Papers from CETRA 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 have already been indexed. 

All CETRA proceedings are also being indexed in Clarivate Web of Science database (Conference Proceedings Citation Index CPCI-S).


Archive of all CETRA Conference Proceedings (Road and Rail Infrastructure) are available in Repository of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb (Dabar service).