Detailed design of stage a Križevci-Koprivnica railway corridor

Barbara Belinić, Petra Šantek

Last modified: 2024-05-06


Due to its great geological and transport position, Croatia is part of important international transport corridors and was included in the Trans-European Transport Network when it joined the European Union. The next ten years will be marked by investments in railway infrastructure projects worth an estimated 4.4 billion euros. One of the most important and financially challenging investments are the RH1 and RH2 corridors. Part of the RH2 corridor is the Križevci-Koprivnica line, which runs under the M201 railway line. The construction of the Križevci-Koprivnica line is divided into four stages. The subject of this article is the description of the substructure, drainage and objects of Stage A from Križevci station to Lepavina station. The biggest horizontal reconstruction is expected in front of Lepavina station. The reconstruction of the horizontal and vertical geometry will allow passengers to travel faster, up to 160 km/h. Major infrastructural investments in railways are just around the corner and will bring benefits, both to individuals and society. Future rail passengers can expect safer, more comfortable and faster transport. Better mobility of passengers and goods will promote the development of Croatian regions as well as demographic and economic progress.


detailed design; corridor; Križevci; Koprivnica; construction site; railways; infrastructure; traffic

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