Sustainable mobility in small and medium-sized cities - the example of the Frankfurt Rhine-Main metropolitan region

Maximilian Birk, Volker Blees, Anna Jäger

Last modified: 2024-05-06


The transformation of the transport system towards sustainability is a manifold challenge on many levels. While there are many debates and approaches for large cities on the one hand and rural regions on the other, substantial parts of traffic originate in suburban small and medium-sized towns in agglomeration areas, where viable and specific concepts for a more sustainable mobility system have been lacking up to now.
With the project ""Suburban New Mobility"", mobility-relevant data and parameters from small and medium-sized cities in the Rhine-Main-Region were systematically collected and processed and their specifics in the relevant dimensions of transport supply, demand and organisation were elaborated. Thus, the project builds a data-based foundation for practical support as well as action concepts as a stepping stone to promote the transition towards sustainable mobility in small and medium-sized cities.
This paper presents the project results and the derived requirements for action for transport policy, planning and consulting.


transport planning; sustainability; transformation

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