Vibroacoustic and noise measurements on the R201 Zaprešić - Zabok railway line

Ivo Haladin, Krešimir Burnać, Mate Ivančev, Janko Košćak

Last modified: 2024-05-06


In the process of renewal and electrification 24 km of R201 Zaprešić – Zabok section, noise measurements had to be carried out to re-evaluate model-based noise protection measures (noise walls). Task requires noise measurements during standard operation conditions of new EMV trains at 120 km/h. Such conditions cannot be met until operating permit is issued; hence alternative method of measurement has been proposed. It involves vibro-acoustic characterization of the Zaprešić – Zabok section and reference section, where such EMVs can operate at 120 km/h, to establish if comparable noise emission characteristics of the railway tracks are achieved (rail roughness and track decay rates). Further, pass-by noise measurements on alternative track are performed at various speeds and distances from the track axis. Using reference section with comparable vibro-acoustic properties, environmental noise measurements made on Zaprešić-Zabok section could be amended with EMV at 120 km/h pass-by data to get a very precise estimate of future track condition and to re-evaluate the noise protection measures along the renewed railway line.


noise, railway, track decay rate, rail roughness, pass-by

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