Eco-sustainable solutions for the maintenance of the road pavements in the Republic of San Marino

Andrea Grilli, Alex Balzi, Arianna Ciotti, Matteo Casali, Raoul Chiaruzzi

Last modified: 2024-05-06


In the last decade, climatic changes have caused intense natural phenomena such as heavy precipitations, dry and hot weather, river flood waves, sea level increase and fluctuations that impact on the social life, significantly. All over the world, governments are now asked to stimulate and to adopt new tools to preserve natural resources and to reduce atmospheric pollutions. Therefore, new complex aspects have to be considered also in management and maintenance of road network matching policies, investment strategies and engineered solutions. Since 2016, the San Marino state-owned enterprises for public works (Azienda Autonoma di Stato per i Lavori Pubblici) and for public utilities (Azienda Autonoma di Stato per i Servizi Pubblici), in collaboration with the University of the Republic of San Marino, have gradually introduced eco-sustainable techniques for the maintenance of road pavements and utility trenches, involving local construction enterprises and mix plants. This paper describes the approach and the specifications for eco-sustainable road materials such as cold and hot recycled asphalt concrete, cement treated recycled materials and cold surface treatments. These materials are used in San Marino for road pavements and in the utility trenching.


Cold recycling, hot recycling, specifications

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