Urban transport infrastructure and green infrastructure: actions to mitigate climate change

Milica Pavic, Igor Jokanovic

Last modified: 2024-04-08


Globally, cities account for 75% of natural resource consumption and 60-80% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. At the same time, 70% of urban areas around the world are already experiencing the consequences of climate change, including extreme flooding, temperatures, and droughts. Within this challenging context, green infrastructure helps to strengthen ecological connectivity through green spaces, encompassing the protection, restoration, and enhancement of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Green infrastructure provides improved resilience, mitigating the effects of extreme temperatures, heavy rainfall, floods, landslides, and droughts. This protection is not only essential for preserving nature, but also holds significant importance for the stability and functionality of the transportation network. The paper presents an analysis of interference between transport and green infrastructure, emphasizes the importance of this bond in struggling with climate change, as well as showing a brief on the approach in the Western Balkans.


green infrastructure; climate change; mitigation; resilience; ecological connectivity