Effect of crack sealing treatment on skid resistance of pavement

Marjan Tušar, Jure Zekič, Darko Kokot, Lidija Ržek

Last modified: 2024-05-06


The goal of the study was to evaluate the effect of crack sealing treatments on the skid resistance of the pavement. Measurements were conducted using the Skid Resistance Tester (SRT or British pendulum) and the SCIMTEX equipment, which measures the side-way force acting perpendicular to the measuring wheel set a 20-degree angle to the direction of travel. The results of the SRT measurements on the surface of the bituminous sealing compound after the sealing treatment revealed a considerable loss of skid resistance compared to the non-sealed surface. The lowest measured value was 23 SRT units, significantly below the requirement for highways in Slovenia (50 SRT units). These results were observed only on a narrow area of the pavement surface within the treated crack limits. The width of the treated fissure is typically around 3 cm, which has a notable impact on the safety of cyclists and motorcyclists, given that that contact width between the pavement and the wheels of bikes and motorcycles in bends is less than 3 cm. To enhance the skid resistance of the pavements post-treatment, we utilized specially produced expanded clay with a grain size of 2/4 mm. Measurements using the SRT and SCRIMTEX equipment indicated some improvement in skid resistance.


crack sealing treatment, skid resistance, Skid Resistance Tester, SCIMTEX, Light Expanded Clay Aggregate