Road infrastructure management using modern technological approaches in the light of limiting barriers

Stefan Sedivy, Martina Jackova, Ingrid Zuziakova, Zuzana Florkova, Peter Danisovic

Last modified: 2024-04-10


The construction sector is characterized by low productivity and backwardness compared to other sectors. The subfield of road infrastructure management is no exception. Although new innovative elements appear gradually, e.g. based on Construction 4.0, Lean Construction philosophy, Cross Asset Management or Circular Economy. However, it is still not enough for the shift in the quality of road network management to be sufficiently visible. The effort of the research team is to gradually apply the most modern technological elements to the process of diagnosing the condition of the road network, which can introduce systematicity into the process of monitoring and evaluating the condition of the road network. These are based on an interconnected system of georadar technologies, road surface scanning, bearing capacity monitoring, building sensor systems in road construction and complex data processing. However, these activities encounter certain risks and weak points, which will have to be gradually dismantled. Among the selected ones, it is possible to include mistrust on the part of road administrators, whether it is the state road administrator, regional administrators or cities and municipalities. At the same time, technological limits and questions about the economic return of introducing modern approaches to the processes in question are gradually emerging. This leads the research teams to believe that it is necessary to find an optimal balance when introducing innovations in this selected sector.


road management; barriers; innovation