Investigations of red-coloured speed humps installed across the entire width of the carriageway

Tamara Džambas, Ivica Stančerić, Vesna Dragčević, Donatela Topić

Last modified: 2024-05-06


Pedestrians and cyclists are defined as vulnerable road users and are particularly at risk in traffic accidents in urban areas. A common speeding prevention measure used worldwide to protect vulnerable road users and ensure their safety in urban areas is the use of vertical traffic calming devices, i.e. speed humps and speed bumps. This article deals with red-coloured speed humps that are installed across the entire width of the carriageway. The geometric characteristics of such speed humps, the materials from which they are made and the installation and marking procedures are described. The reasons for their increasing use in the installation of new and replacement of existing vertical traffic calming devices in Croatia are also discussed. Finally, a short survey was conducted at two locations in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, where two different types of these speed humps are installed: the speed hump installed immediately before the crosswalk and the speed hump on which a crosswalk is marked. A total of 60 road users (drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists) were interviewed to find out their opinions and satisfaction with these devices.


traffic calming, speed humps, characteristics, application, survey