Mechanical properties of foam concrete as a construction material in cycle pavement structures

Zuzana Papánová, Matej Prišč, Bibiana Martinovičová

Last modified: 2024-04-24


The structural layers of cycle pavements are currently being optimised regarding their individual layer composition. Currently, the material composition of the layers is not made of the highest quality materials in terms of stiffness and strength. The aim is to achieve a gradual gradation of the stiffness of the individual layers in relation to the load on the road. The new material foam concrete is used in cycle pavements. Its tensile mechanical properties are significant for the design of structural blocks, contraction, and expansion joints and especially the thickness of the foam concrete layer. This paper discusses a simplified tensile test of foam concrete on specific specimens. It also includes the evaluation and determination of the basic tensile properties of one type of foam concrete - FC500. The conclusion of the paper presents practical examples of the use of this material in concrete cycle pavements in Slovakia.


foam concrete, pavement, material parameter