Analysis of cycling infrastructure - a case study of Split

Deana Breški, Biljana Maljković, Martin Matić

Last modified: 2024-04-15


Many cities in the world have recognized cycling as one of the alternative ways of urban transport and are increasingly investing in the development of cycling and appropriate infrastructure, which helps to ensure the sustainable development of both the city and mobility in general. Cycling has numerous advantages compared to motorized transport because it contributes to a healthier lifestyle, reduces the use of personal vehicles and thus the traffic volumes, and affects the reduction of fuel consumption and air pollution. Adequate cycling infrastructure and its connections to other modes of transportation are necessary for cycling to be both safe and attractive to the general public. The city of Split started investing in bicycle lanes and promoting this mode of transportation only in the last fifteen years. This paper presents an analysis of the existing bicycle infrastructure in the city area in terms of construction and network connectivity, as well as the compliance of geometric elements with the current Rulebook on Bicycle Infrastructure. Furthermore, the method of organization and use of the public bicycle system is presented. This system which was introduced in July 2019 and was upgraded in the following years, significantly contributed to the development of bicycle traffic in Split. Following the analysis, some recommendations for enhancing the cycling infrastructure were made. In general, urban planning and design of city roads and public areas can have a substantial impact on the safety, comfort and connectivity of the cycling infrastructure, which will help promote and develop cycling and sustainable mobility.


cycling infrastructure; analysis; sustainable mobility