Nebojša Opačić, Joanna Zboromirska

Last modified: 2017-02-28


Currently, there is an emphasis on upgrade of railway network in Croatia. This is especially visible on railways that are a part of pan-european corridors (Vb: Rijeka-Zagreb-Budapest and X: Salzburg-Ljubljana-Zagreb-Beograd-Niš-Skopje-Veles-Thessaloniki). Design and construction of these railway corridors is in large part funded by the European Union through IPA programme, Priority axis 1 of IPA Component IIIa. Upgrade of railway M201 (State border
– Botovo – Koprivnica – Dugo Selo) is divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 (Dugo Selo-Križevci) is currently in final stages of design, and construction should start in 2014. Phase 2 (KriževciKoprivnica-state border), which is the subject of this paper is in the first stages of design, with obtaining of construction permit due in 2016, which will be followed by construction that is supposed to be finished by year 2020. Upgrade of M201 on this 43.2 km long section mostly consists of construction of second track parallel to the existing one, with modernisation of the control command and signalling subsystem, and reconstruction and upgrade of existing stations, stops, road crossings and structures. Smaller parts of the existing railway track will be reconstructed, or even abandoned to achieve design speed and station layout requirements, all in accordance with the proposed traffic technology. This paper presents the technical solutions of railway track alignment, road crossings and structures, that are a basis for all other design work on this project. Also, current state of spatial planning documentation regarding this project and influence of other big infrastructure projects, especially motorway projects that intersect with the rail corridor will be shown. Upgrade of M201 on this section mostly consists of construction of second track parallel to the existing one, with modernisation of the control command and signalling subsystem, and reconstruction and upgrade of existing stations, stops, road crossings and structures. Smaller parts of the existing railway track will be reconstructed, or even abandoned to achieve design speed and station layout requirements, all in accordance with the proposed traffic technology. This paper will present the technical solutions of railway track alignment, road crossings and structures, that are a basis for all other design work on this project. Also, current state of spatial planning documentation regarding this project and influence of other big infrastructure projects, especially motorway projects that intersect with the rail corridor will be shown.


railway design; upgrade; EU funding; construction

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