Marketing Presentations

Companies related to roads and railways may apply for advertising during the conference. The following marketing and corporate advertising opportunities are available:
• advertising in the conference proceedings on 1/1 page (900 EUR)
• presentation on boards set up in the conference areas (700 EUR)
• exhibition space (average 300 EUR/m²)

We hope that companies will recognize the conference as a useful marketing opportunity to present their activities, products and business potential to a targeted audience.

Exhibition area layout

Exhibition space

For a larger, printable layout please click here.


Companies are also welcome to make a donation to the conference. Depending on the donation – in the amounts of EUR 5.000, 3.000 or 2.000 – the company can become a Gold, Silver or Bronze conference donor, respectively.

Benefits Gold
5.000 EUR
3.000 EUR
2.000 EUR
Company logo on all printed matters (proceedings, programme, ...) and on CD covers
Sponsor presentation within conference CD and link to website
Company logo on the CETRA website with links
Promotional material (up to 8pp) within the conference bag    
Promotional material (up to 4pp) within the conference bag
Exhibition space
Company presentation within the appropriate conference section

Number of participants at the conference 3 2  1


A more detailed information can be obtained by contacting the Conference Secretariat on