Otto Plášek, Miroslava Hruzíková, Richard Svoboda, Lubomír Malovaný, Milan Valenta

Last modified: 2017-02-28


Sleeper anchors are used to increase lateral resistance of sleepers in continuous welded rail. Steel sleeper anchors are commonly used in the Czech Republic at present time. Chládek & Tintěra Pradubice company came up with the idea to use recycled plastic for the sleeper
anchors production. The advantage of recycled plastic is less environmental impact and corrosion resistance. On the other hand problems with resistant to load were anticipated. This paper presents laboratory test of material of plastic anchors EVA V production. These
tests were done during the developing of the plastic anchor shape. Similarly, in-situ tests were done on the trial test section to compare sleeper with plastic and steel anchors lateral resistance and sleepers without anchors lateral resistance are presented. For the supply of
plastic sleeper anchors were parallel with the laboratory and in-situ tests compiled the technical specifications for control tests and where are listed all controllable conditions. These tests are described in this paper as well.


sleeper anchors, continuous welded rail, tearing resistance, lateral resistance

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