Jean-Etienne Urbain

Last modified: 2017-02-28


Mastic asphalt is a common material mainly use for waterproofing works (bridge decks), for pedestrian paths, car parks but also for road wearing courses. This material needs high temperatures in order to aloud correct laying conditions.
The European REACH regulation (Registration Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) started to be implemented in Europe in 2007. The application to bitumen on the 1st of December 2010 had a critical effect of the development of warm solutions for mastic asphalts. Starting with experimental products, the French companies had to move to industrial solutions by producing and laying mastic asphalts under the temperature of 200°C. This temperature corresponds to the maximum temperature to use the bitumen, as it was defined by the producers.
In France, 3 types of mastic asphalts were defined according to the production, transport and laying temperatures:
- “hot” mastic asphalts over 200°C
- Low temperature mastic asphalts between 180°C and 200°C
- Very low temperature mastic asphalts under 180°C
Characteristics of the products are defined according to the standard EN 13108-6.

In this context the Eurovia Group developed a range of mastic asphalt products corresponding to the 2 new types (between 180°C and 200°C and under 180°C).
The technic is very innovative and based on the use of a single additive which is renewable and which is very easily implemented on the plant.
These new mastic asphalts are produced around 170 / 180 °C and are laid on the jobsite between 160°C and 180°C. This is a real drop by comparison with traditional mastic asphalt which are produced and laid around 220°C to 240°C.
The aim of the presentation is to detail the formulation process, the performances and the follow up of these new products as well as their implementations in France, Czech Republic and CROATIA by the company TEGRA.


warm asphalt, health care, condition of laying, European regulation, innovation

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