Presentations and Authors

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Infrastructure - management

INFRACOMS toolbox for NRAs to leverage technological evolutions for bridge and pavement monitoring and maintenance
Robin Workman, Kevin McPherson, Mogens Saberi, Fengqiao Zhang, Yuguang Yang, Anna Arvidsson, Simon Fjendbo, Darko Kokot, Andrej Anžlin, Mette Sloth, Ali Yeganeh, Carl Van Geem

Infrastructure - innovation and green technology

Effect of zeolite addition to modified bitumen for application in wearing course
Roman Pacholak, Wladyslaw Gardziejczyk, Marta Wasilewska, Pawel Gierasimiuk, Agnieszka Woszuk

Traffic - sustainability and intermodality

Mobility hubs in suburban and rural areas – an overview of the development in Germany and experiences from the RaMo project
Johann Grobe, Marie Werneke, Volker Blees

Special session - PhD Session

Quiet rails: noise mitigation on Polish railways
Marcin Wrótny, Janusz Bohatkiewicz

Special session - Enhancing Road and Rail Safety through novel Structural Health Monitoring applications on Bridges

Instability detection for high-speed weigh-in-motion systems towards direct enforcement
Loic Warscotte, Jehan Boreux