Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Infrastructure - design

Evaluation of available sight distance estimation method on rural roads according to Croatian regulation
Ivica Stančerić, Šime Bezina, Željko Stepan, Tamara Džambas
Redesign of four-leg urban intersection with light rail in a corridor of two streets: case study in Zagreb
Ivica Stančerić, Marin Puljar-Matić, Tamara Džambas, Šime Bezina
Analysis of the location for the accommodation of the new tram and bus depot of GSP Beograd
Ljiljana Milic Markovic, Ljubo Marković, Dragana Biber

Infrastructure - (re)construction

Deformation analysis during tunnele in poor rock mass
Ekrem Bektašević, Kemal Gutić, Reuf Kadrić, Sead Kadrić, Denijal Sikira
Reconstruction of the Jarunska road in Zagreb after the earthquake
Miroslav Šimun, Ante Goran Bajić, Davor Marković, Luka Jurčević
The influence of a thin soil layer on the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve
Meho Saša Kovačević, Gordana Ivoš, Danijela Jurić Kaćunić, Lovorka Librić, Mario Bačić

Infrastructure - management

Utilization of regional lines as alternative routes for the improvement of the resilience of the railway infrastructure in case of emergencies
Adriana Pálková, Zdenka Bulková, Jaroslav Mašek
Rapid flood vulnerability assessment of bridge networks: the CROSScade project case
Mirko Kosič, Mario Bačić, Dominik Skokandić, Gordana Hrelja Kovačević, Ana Mandić Ivanković, Andrej Anžlin
New process of determination of the potential and scope of the railway infrastructure
Milan Dedík, Jozef Gašparík, Zdenka Bulková, Vladislav Zitrický
Performance-based road rehabilitation and maintenance contracts in Albania, a review of fifteen years of experience (2008 – 2023)
Diana Bardhi

Infrastructure - innovation and green technology

Potential application of Maglev Derived System to improve railway performance
Arbra Bardhi, Giuseppe Carcasi, Marjorie De Belen, Giovanni De Blasio, Angela Nocita, Camilo Patino Puerta, Pawel Radziszewski, Stefano Ricci, Luca Rizzetto
The use of recycled plastics in warm mix asphalt
Šime Bezina, Ana Rudeš, Josipa Domitrović, Ivica Stančerić, Tatjana Rukavina

Infrastructure - laboratory testing

Investigation of the environmental degradation of asphalt pavement mixtures
Eva Remišová, Dušan Briliak

Infrastructure - condition assessment

An investigation of reasons and consequences of deteriorated hydraulic capacities of culverts concerning railway track stability
Niyazi Özgür Bezgin
Assessing the soil liquefaction susceptibility: s comparative study of CPT and MASW techniques in the aftermath of road failure
Mario Bačić, Meho Saša Kovačević, Nicola Rossi, Lovorka Librić
Reliability of GPR data interpretation methods for determining the thickness of asphalt layer
Josipa Domitrovic, Marija Dukić, Šime Bezina, Ivica Stančerić, Tatjana Rukavina
Exploring the impact of levelAMS: geotechnical asset management software within Brisa's infrastructure
Juliana Barros, Miguel Cruz, Marisa Pinheiro, Isabel Gonzalez, Tiago Miranda

Infrastructure - optimization

Project NONIs - development of optimized and sustainable insulated rail joint systems
Maximilian Bürgler, Stefan Marschnig

Infrastructure - maintenance

The shoulder of the neighbouring county is always "greener”
László Gáspár prof., Zsolt Bencze, Csaba Tóth dr., Csaba Tóth
Modern spatial monitoring methods for geotechnical structures along the transportation networks
Marijan Car, Meho Saša Kovačević, Mario Bačić, Irina Stipanovic, Kenneth Gavin
Research of road markings visibility degradation based on applied materials on Croatian State Roads
Vanna Boroša, Darko Babić, Marija Ferko, Mario Fiolić

Traffic - modelling

Road asset evaluation models, case study
Diana Bardhi

Traffic - safety

Detection of road markings and road signs by advanced driver assistance systems – A literature review
Lucija Franković, Ivana Kučina, Mario Fiolić, Darko Babić, Dario Babić
Risk assessment for passengers on station platforms: a quantitative approach
Alessandro Baldassarra, Cristiano Marinacci, Stefano Ricci
Application of the IHSDM for analysis of road design consistency and assessment of the number and type of traffic accidents: a case study of the Croatian state road DC1
Biljana Maljković, Dražen Cvitanić, Deana Breški
Review of low-budget measures for the prevention of traffic accidents at level crossings
Danijela Baric, Silvestar Grabušić

Traffic - transport operation management

Definition of strategically oriented transport users in freight transport at ŽRS
Zoran Gajić, Nada Radojčić, Mladen Božić, Nebojša Kovačević
Challenges and solutions of logistics operators in the last mile of supply chains
Ermin Muharemovic, Amel Kosovac, Muhamed Begovic, Edvin Šimić

Traffic - sustainability and intermodality

Mobility hubs in suburban and rural areas – an overview of the development in Germany and experiences from the RaMo project
Johann Grobe, Marie Werneke, Volker Blees
Analysis of cycling infrastructure - a case study of Split
Deana Breški, Biljana Maljković, Martin Matić

Traffic - mobility

Assessing preferences for the introduction of a new tram line on University of Zagreb campus using stated preferences experiment
Nikola Kožul, Luka Novačko, Karlo Babojelić

Special session - PhD Session

Life cycle sustainability assessment of reinforced concrete bridges
Ivana Milić, Jelena Bleiziffer
Quiet rails: noise mitigation on Polish railways
Marcin Wrótny, Janusz Bohatkiewicz
Evaluation of rail irregularities by processing tramway vehicle bogie acceleration data
Krešimir Burnać, Ivo Haladin

Special session - Vibration based Rail Infrastructure Monitoring and Assessment

Development of contact stresses on rails and the need for specially graded steel for railways
Niyazi Özgür Bezgin
The possibility of using machine learning for network-wide predictive maintenance on urban railway tracks – URITMIS project case study
Ivo Haladin, Krešimir Burnać, Maja Baniček, Katarina Vranesic, Nenad Trifunović

Special session - Enhancing Road and Rail Safety through novel Structural Health Monitoring applications on Bridges

Instability detection for high-speed weigh-in-motion systems towards direct enforcement
Loic Warscotte, Jehan Boreux
Finite element model updating of civil engineering structures: significance of mode shape paring
Suzana Ereiz, Javier Fernando Jiménez-Alonso, Ivan Duvnjak, Marko Bartolac, Janko Košćak, Jurica Pajan